About Us
U.P.V. Alcmaeon, The Utrecht Psychology Association Alcmaeon, is the study association for all psychology students at Utrecht University. Alcmaeon has over 2200 members and is therefore the biggest association of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences and belongs to the top 5 biggest study associations in Utrecht. Alcmaeon tries to provide optimally for the needs of psychologists-to-be, both content- and relaxation-wise. The association does this by organising study-related and relaxing activities, which members can visit for free or with a discount. Moreover, Alcmaeon is a space where students of psychology can get to know their fellow students. Take a look at our homepage for an overview of the upcoming activities. Alcmaeon aims to be a home for the students and a guide in the large crowds of full lecture halls.
Almost all of the activities are organised by members! When you are an Alcmaeon member, you can sign up for one of Alcmaeon’s 22 committees. Click here for an overview of all of the committees. Through committees, Alcmaeon offers their members relaxation and fun aside from the study. Besides that, committee-work is a nice addition to your resume and you gain lots of practical experience in a fun and friendly atmosphere.
Everyone is welcome to come to the Alcmaeon room (E1.42 in the Langeveld building) whenever they like, for a free cup of coffee, tea and cookies. If you are curious about the specifics of Alcmaeon, you are always welcome to come by to hang out or to ask your questions!
For further information, take a look at the rest of our website or download our new app: UPV Alcmaeon.